Sobriquet 44.19

After a third straight day of running errands in uncomfortable humidity made all the more unbearable by mercury topping the ninety-degree mark, I am thoroughly exhausted. Still, I have been reading Youth and enjoying it tremendously. So far, I find that the memoir resonates with me in ways that Coetzee's other writing does not. The figure of the young John Coetzee as a budding scholar with artistic aspirations consistently engages my imagination, energizes the nascent scholar in me, and soothes the anxieties engulfing my own creative self. It's nice.

Since I will have to take a break from blogging over the next few days, I will not post a "for tomorrow" assignment for myself. Instead, I will simply announce my intention to continue reading the memoir and/or Disgrace criticism each day until I have the time to sit down in front of the computer again.


From Minxy:

YAY for liking the book!!! And have a nice couple of days off from the less thing to worry about for a few days. :)

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