Sobriquet 51.20

I'm about to head to bed for the day, where I intend to finish re-reading Elizabeth Costello before tuckering myself out with a few midweek-difficulty New York Times crossword puzzles. I had hoped to finish the novel earlier in the day, during what I had initially thought would be a vacant office hour but, owing to a delightfully rambling conversation, I decided to put off reading until this evening (or, rather, early morning). So, yeah, I am tired, but the good sort of tired that only comes from having had a thoroughly satisfying day.

For tomorrow: Plot out and/or write a bit of the Disgrace chapter.


Sobriquet Magazine saidā€¦
From Minxy:

Rambling conversations are usually the best kind. I can think of no better way to not get your reading done when you wanted to. :)

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