Sobriquet 50.5
Well, I finally finished transcribing all the quotations from and notes I've taken on the critics' essays on Disgrace. In total, the document ended up exceeding 140 pages of single-spaced text. I also finished re-reading the novel earlier this evening. I'd bought another copy of Disgrace a day or so before Christmas because I did not want to risk damaging my already-disintegrating copy of the book by subjecting it to the rigors of holiday travel. Also, I thought it would be a splendid idea to try and read the book (and jot down even more notes) without my previous scrawl to distract me. I figure that when I begin transcribing all that stuff tomorrow, I can compare the two copies and see if I underlined all the same passages and such. You know, see if I'd missed anything. This way, hopefully, I'll have about as thorough a selection of material from which to draw as possible when I begin what promises to be an exceedingly long period of prewriting.
Since I have been away from writing since the spring, I have to admit I am a bit nervous about beginning the chapter. Whatever groove I'd gotten myself into back then has morphed into something quite different. Naturally, I am also relieved to have finally finished was has been, admittedly, an extremely tedious procedure, but with that relief comes the realization that I must face the blinking curser and begin writing. Again.
Furthermore, working with the sheer amount of critical writing on Disgrace is more than a little daunting. I mean, I know what it is I want to say but I am currently struggling to find a way to situate my reading of the novel within a huge body of pre-existing discourse without subverting my voice or ignoring the relevant voices of others. It will be tough, I reckon, to sort things out, but I am going to follow the same approach that has served me so well in the past: doing a small but significant amount of work each day, devoting a good chunk of time to the plotting out and outlining of the chapter, and reminding myself daily that Rome wasn't built in a day.
The anxiety, obviously, stems primarily from the fact that there's just so much of everything: critical essays, notes, quotes, things to say, references to check, bibliographical entries to be made. I simply feel overwhelmed, which is why I will have to spend as much time prewriting as I suspect I am going to be doing over the next few weeks -- a stage in the process I really do not enjoy because it means I have to shake myself out of the inaction that has settled in and begin the invariably hard (though rewarding) phase of creative endeavor.
I will, naturally, keep my handful of readers posted.
For tomorrow: Either transcribe a bit of notes from the novel, work on the bibliography, or begin reviewing the 140+ pages of stuff I just transcribed.
My prediction is that while the full writing process for this chapter will be long and hard work, you will totally succeed whilst WOWing your advisor and being full of win. I won't tell you not to worry about things, because I know you well enough not to say that...but I will tell you to trust your past successes to be solid indicators of future success.